[Salon] Israel, Jewish Billionaires, and National Conservatism (ft. Yoram Hazony) - American Moment

As this speaks for itself:

Begin at 39:00 for Hazony’s straw-man arguments calling for suppression of speech, of “terrorists,” with Hazony the “NatCon ideology” founder whom US Conservatives are all agog over. Listen to all of it for his denunciations of non-fascist conservatives (self-described conservatives, but “liberal” thinking),  libertarians, and anyone who believe that the “Enlightenment” was of value to actual human freedom. With him obviously falling into the camp of the the Hegelian notion of “freedom,” meaning that “freedom of action” due States, Jewish State of Israel in particular, and/or the Oligarchs who control so much of the Military Surveillance Industrial Complex, like Charles Koch and Peter Thiel. 

Which raises the question: Why am I the only one speaking out against this fascism, when he’s targeted people here who founded and moderates this email list?

Hazony is speaking with Saurabh Sharma whom I’ve been so critical of when he’s participated in at least one Quincy Institute event. Sharma is now the National Conservative “host’s” executive director, putting him right next to Hazony, like two peas in a pod:
State of the Union: American Moment President Saurabh Sharma will also take on the responsibilities of the Edmund Burke Foundation’s executive director.

Which is f***ing obscene, as the only way to describe it, of which I should not have to explain why!

"However, the sole reason that these are non-State actors and the territory of Gaza has gone rogue and thus don’t derive any authority from the legal order as it exists within the Palestinian municipal legal system is not a sufficient excuse to not create an inextricable link between Hamas and Palestine considering that Palestine ought to have control over such rogue elements. 
. . . 
"Therefore, taking into account that Palestine is considered as a jurisdiction with limited attributes of a state within the edifice of the UNO, it thus owes a duty which includes that its territory is not a haven for militant activities causing a disruption to the international legal order. Additionally, Palestine being a member of the International Criminal Court (ICC) since 2015, an investigation lead by the ICC can be made against the State of Palestine in the aftermath of this conflict to attach and ascertain liability to the real perpetrators."

If you can’t rebut that obscenity, you know nothing of Israel’s "Matrix of Control” over every individual Palestinian body, “from the river to the sea!” 

The only thing I agree with Hazony about it the quote below, though vehemently disagreeing with the “ideas” he supports and propagates, to include from this review of Hazony’s 2002 book: The Jewish State, in which his Kahanism is fully evident:
Quote: "Hazony's main premise—that ideas shape political realities—is intellectually refreshing in an age characterized by the notion that power and interests alone move politics. It implies that in order to understand politics one must investigate the ideas and beliefs of individuals who constitute the elite. This premise is particularly true vis-à-vis the Zionist movement, which, armed only with a powerful idea, was able to create the new state of Israel.

And if one hopes to understand Hazony, fascism, and/or “Cognitive War,” one must understand how “ideas” shape political realities, and of how they can be used to manipulate “collective consciousness,” as was done at the Nuremberg Rally, and throughout the 2016 election by both Trump’s and Clinton’s campaigns, with Trump’s "End the Endless Wars” lie determinative. As had been figured out that it would be by his Oligarchical promoters, to include Charles Koch, Peter Thiel, Sheldon Adelson, and the Mercer’s, and the collaboration between them with Cambridge Analytica, and Peter Thiel with Palantir, which I believe is well documented, and explained here, consistent with other information:

Leading Senate Proponents of Spying and War Get Election Boost From “Libertarian” Koch Brothers

The Koch brothers have an undeserved image as principled supporters of personal freedom.

Takeaway: "Charles Koch founded the Cato Institute, first naming the group the Charles Koch Foundation. A bitter feud over control riled the organization, and in 2012, Koch attempted a hostile takeover, trying to appoint neoconservative advocates and Koch Industries’ own lobbying team to the board. It failed.

In about 2009 or 2010, a couple of The American Conservative writers (pre-Straussian takeover), a staffer for Rep. Ron Paul, an independent journalist specializing on Iranian issues, myself, and Charles (Chuck) Pena of the Cato Institute, would meet for lunch at the Liberty Tavern on Wilson Boulevard in Arlington about once a month. One day, Chuck came in and told us he was no longer working for Cato, and not by his choice. He’d written outstanding, critical articles, on the Iraq War. Too outstanding, and too critical, as it turned out, so his employment was terminated. Recently, I heard of a similar situation with another writer at Cato. 

What connection the Koch Network has to Cato today I don’t know, with so many “front groups” they have set up, to include to funnel money through, to other “front groups,” or affiliates. But little is to be said of that as they distribute dribs and drabs of funding to the very groups who should be most outraged at them as the “Koch Military Surveillance Industrial Complex,” with those dribs and drabs far less than even a penny in a swimming pool, relative to the value of their MSIC.

This helps explain a little more of the Koch MSIC currently: https://www.calcalistech.com/ctech/articles/0,7340,L-3861071,00.html

Israel, Jewish Billionaires, and National Conservatism (ft. Yoram Hazony)

In Today's episode of "Moment of Truth," Saurabh sits down with Yoram Hazony, Chairman of the Edmund Burke Foundation, President of the Herzl Institute in Jerusalem, and author of "The Virtue of Nationalism" and "Conservatism: A Rediscovery," to discuss all things Israel, the war in Gaza, what is was like to be on the ground when the fighting started, why Jewish billionaires are having second thoughts about liberalism, the border crisis, the U.S. alliance with Israel under Trump vs. Biden, and the future of National Conservatism.

Yoram Hazony is President of the Herzl Institute in Jerusalem, and currently serve as Chairman of the Edmund Burke Foundation, a public affairs institute based in Washington DC that has hosted the National Conservatism Conference since 2019.

He has authored numerous books including, “Conservatism: A Rediscovery,” “The Philosophy of Hebrew Scripture,” “The Jewish State: The Struggle for Israel’s Soul,” “God and Politics in Esther,” and most notably “The Virtue of Nationalism” which was selected as Conservative Book of the Year in 2019, and was an Amazon #1 best-seller in both International Diplomacy and Nationalism. Yoram lives in Israel with his wife Yael and together they have nine children.

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